The effects of aging are inevitable, and often times, the brow and forehead area shows the first signs. By analyzing where volume has been lost and where gravity has impacted sagging, Dr. Storck can correct the aging face by replacing volume and gently lifting specific areas. A forehead lift, also referred to as an eyebrow lift, can restore youthfulness to the upper third of the face. It does this by raising the eyebrows to a more alert and youthful appearance. It will also minimize creases that develop across the forehead and improve frown lines. Finally it can reposition a low or sagging brow.
- Individuals who are physically healthy
- Non-smokers
- Individuals who have deep lines and wrinkles in their forehead with brow droop
Forehead lifts or eyebrow lifts can be performed in a number of different ways:
An endoscopic brow lift is performed with an endoscope (a thin tube with a camera on the end) and other instruments. This is a minimally invasive procedure that is performed in an operating room or surgery center. The endoscope is placed through small incisions made within the hairline. This allows the muscle and tissue underneath the skin to be adjusted, which corrects the source of visible creases and furrows in the forehead. Small tines are used to re-drape the skin of the forehead to lift the brows. Bruising in most patients is minimal and healing time seems to be faster.
Dr. Storck might also choose to do an open brow lift by using a coronal incision. A coronal incision is one continuous incision created from ear to ear across the top of the head. The forehead skin is lifted and the muscle adjustment can be made. The scar from a coronal brow lift is concealed within the hair.
Another option is a browpexy, which adjusts the brow position through an eyelid incision.
Finally, a direct brow lift can be performed by making an incision above the brow hair or in the wrinkles of the forehead. This approach is usually only recommended for elderly males with hair loss and deep wrinkles.
- Bleeding
- Loss of hair around the incisions
- Elevated hairline
- Facial asymmetry
- Facial nerve injury
- Fluid accumulation
- Infection
- Numbness or changes in skin sensation
- Unfavorable scarring
During your brow lift or forehead lift recovery, your forehead may be taped and your head may be loosely wrapped to minimize swelling and bruising. A thin tube may be placed to drain any excess blood or fluid. Your plastic surgeon will give you specific instructions on how to care for the incision site and drains, which medications to take orally and topically, and when to follow up with your plastic surgeon.
Your head should remain elevated and any vigorous physical activities should be avoided for as long as your plastic surgeon recommends.
The initial brow lift wound may take up to 10 to 14 days to heal. Sutures or clips will be removed when your plastic surgeon feels it is appropriate, usually within one week. Work and light activities can resume after two weeks. Cosmetics can help cover any bruising caused by your brow lift. Healing will continue for several weeks and swelling and incision lines should fade over several months.
Your final results of your forehead lift or brow lift surgery will appear within eight weeks. A forehead lift will not stop the aging process but it is typically long lasting. This procedure should last you many years or an entire lifetime, but some patients may need to have a touch-up procedure at 7-10 years. Life-long sun protection is recommended and will help maintain your rejuvenation procedure and appearance.